Weekly Adulting- Side Hustles

Weekly Adulting- Side Hustles

Now that I am starting to get back into the groove of things, Weekly Adulting is going to focus on three main issues…body image/self confidence, living and decorating a study apartment in a city, and side hustles. This week, we are going to start off with side hustles.

Weekly Adulting- Side Hustles

I am one of those people who has a really hard time sitting still. Whenever I say I am busy, I am excited about that. I know people typically say that as a complaint, but I love being busy! With that said, I always have lots of side hustles, projects, and hobbies that I am working on. Example one would be this blog, which has definitely been more of a hobby for the past year, but I am trying to get it back into the side hustle category.

I think the key with any activity that you are choosing to do whether it makes money or not, is you have to be passionate about it. If you aren’t excited about it, you won’t make time for it, so it will never get done.

Another main key is to ignore everyone else. I am terrible at this because I am the biggest people pleaser. I want everyone to like me and I don’t like making people upset. At the same time, though, I have a bit of a stubborn streak, which has helped me so much along the way. Comparison is going to make everything seem impossible and it’s your side hustle not anyone else. Ignore the haters and the general comments and just do what you makes you feel good!

Weekly Adulting- Side Hustles

My last piece of advice, is to find your perfect workspace. I like to work in different places depending on what I am working on. When I am working on school things, I need to be home because I need complete silence. But, when I’m working on other things, I prefer to be around other people. I am a huge extrovert so sitting at home all day is not a good option for me.

Two weeks ago I visited The Wing for the first time, which was so exciting! This is not sponsored or anything, I legitimately love The Wing this much.

I heard about them a few years ago on social media and was immediately enthralled and DC is the first place I’ve lived that has had one. For those of you who aren’t familiar with it, The Wing is a female-run, women’s only co-working space. They also do a ton of networking and other interesting events.

Anyways, touring the space was so fun because they have a bunch of fabulously decorated rooms that would be my dream workspace if I was free-lancing or blogging full time. Maybe one day?


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