SAG Awards

Oh my lovely readers! I am so thankful for all of you who still read this blog and have stuck with me even though I am terrible at posting regularly! Despite not posting for some time, I had a record number of views on Saturday and I am so extremely thankful for that! As this blog changes and grows, I am hoping to expand my content and post more regularly. Obviously, just goals at this point, but the fact that y’all are still reading this makes those goals seem so much more achievable.
As you may or may no know, the SAG awards were this past week and there were absolutely fabulous outfits! Here were my favorites and I would love to hear from you if you think I left anyone out! Thank you for reading and I love y’all to the moon and back XO

Claire Danes

I love Claire Danes’ style because she dresses well for her figure and coloring, not just what is in style- although she is always trendy! This dress is stunning on her and the color is magnificent.
Emma Stone is one of those people who can basically do no wrong style-wise in my opinion. She has rocked the pant suit, crazy colors, and outlandish styles and still looks awesome. This dress is so unique and interesting and she OWNED it! So proud of her!

Emma Stone

During the SAG awards, I asked some of my friends who they thought had the best outfit on the red carpet or who stood out the most. They all unanimously agreed on Felicity Jones. She wasn’t on my radar until recently, but she has knocked it out of the park this awards season. I love the crossed pieces and the color is beautiful. A+ from Lefty and friends! Julia Roberts is another one of those people who I have always admired and she was killing it in the pant suit! Way to rock it Julia! 

Julia Roberts
Felicity Jones

Keira Knightley 

 Pregnancy style has definitely become a trend to watch lately and Keira Knightley passed with flying colors! This deep purple looked amazing on her and the extended peplum emphasized her baby bump while still looking sophisticated. This is probably one of my favorite recent pregnancy looks.
 Maggie Gyllenhaal is not normally someone I watch, but after seeing her show, Th Honorable Woman (which I highly recommend for anyone looking for a serious drama tv show), I have been paying attention to her lately. Her look, although simple was so extremely elegant and put together and a reminder that simple is sometimes perfect.

Maggie Gyllenhaal

I love Reese Witherspoon! I mean what’s not to love?! She looks amazing and I really enjoy seeing her fashion choices which are always seamlessly perfect. Finally, Rosamund Pike. I have love Rosamund since she was in Pride and Prejudice with Keira Knightley. But now, after just having a baby, she is rocking the red carpet with daring styles, that although are not form fitting are still stunning!

Reese Witherspoon 

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