Portsmouth and Mother Clucker!

Vest: Anthropologie, Sweater: J.Crew, Shirt: J.Crew this is the closest I could find, Glasses: The View on Elm, Necklace: Charm and Chain, Jeans: JBrand, Watch: Michael Kors

Good morning and happy Monday! This weekend was eventful if anything with a day trip and lots of studying. This week is going to be very busy with packing and studying for finals and it is sadly still wintery here. Anyways, Saturday we took a day trip to Portsmouth and the Isle of Wight. This was definitely the day of transportation. We started with a train to Portsmouth from London. Then, we took a ferry to the Isle of Wight. Once we arrived on the island, we took two different buses to reach the far side of the Island. Then, we hiked to the edge of this class to see some beautiful views. Finally, once we had taken our buses back to the harbor, we took a tram to get back to the ferry. It was a busy day to say the least, but the views were beautiful and it was nice to get out of the city for a day. This day trip was definitely not for people weary of public transportation and be prepared to sit for a large part of the day. In other news, yesterday McKenzie and I went to Mother Clucker. No, I’m not cleverly cursing you out, this is the name of a food truck near Brick Lane. I saw it walking around early in the semester, but hadn’t had the chance to check it out until yesterday. Basically, it was delicious and magical. They make tea-brined fried chicken strips, cajun fries, and mac and cheese. A must see if coming to London, they are open every day, but Monday for lunch. Also, the portions are huge, I only managed to eat half of mine! Check it out if you have the chance when you are in London! The count down continues as I now only have 4 days until I am back in the States! Have a great start to your week! XO

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