Burgundy and Plaid

plaid, fur, leather, pink, burgundy

plaid, fur, leather, pink, burgundy

plaid, fur, leather, pink, burgundy

plaid, fur, leather, pink, burgundy
I am not normally a fan of overly matching my outfit, However, when one component is patterned and pulls in other colors, the matching is actually beneficial instead of boring. Another important thing to do when wearing a lot of the same color is to pull in other colors, like my black belt and vest and my pink purse in this case. This creates some variety and makes the matching colors work together as a base color against your accents. 
On a completely other note, my current addiction and winter essential is my yeti. I got one for graduation and didn’t really know if I would ever use it. However, now that I commute for almost an hour every morning, my yeti is perfect for keeping my tea warm! I make my tea before I leave home in the morning and an hour later when I get to work, it is still boiling. I have been so impressed with the yeti and would definitely recommend one if you drink coffee or tea! XO 

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